Emberger Syndrome

Author:  Gordana Raca, Ph D; Suzanne Vercauteren, MD, PhD, FRCPC, 09/23/2015
Category: Bone marrow failure
Published Date: 02/25/2016
11 year old boy mild macrocytosis and mild pancytopenia. Bone marrow is mildly hypocellular marrow (30-40%) with mild dyserythropoiesis and dysmegakaryopoiesis, but no increase in blast cells. FISH analysis showed a monosomy 7. Further genetic testing identified a GATA2 mutation in him and one sibling. Physical findings included extensive warts on hand and feet as well as abnormalities of the lymphatic system. The patient was diagnosed with Emberger syndrome. Emberger syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder characterised by primary lymphoedema generally confined to the lower limbs and genitals and myelodysplasia associated with a greatly increased risk of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). GATA2 mutations have been identified in patients with Emberger Syndrome and is thought to be the causative factor.

The megakaryocytes show dysplastic changes.


The marrow biopsy is hypocelluar. 

Cytogenetics and FISH
Representative interphase FISH images showing only one signal for the
chromosome 7 centromeric probe (green) and 7q31 probe (red).
Cytogenetics showing 45 XY -7